Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Opinion Editorial Decision

So this post is basically just solidifying my last post.  For my opinion editorial I would like to talk on Utah.  Not just the geography, history, or topography of it, but on Utah as a whole.  I've lived in Utah my whole life and I love it here.  I love attending BYU because it is fun to ask where people are from.  Everyone is dedicated to their own state.  Its fun to hear how people brag about their own state.  The one problem that I've noticed is that people don't like Utah.  Whether it is the cold, the altitude, the people or anything else, it seems like the overall students at BYU are not fans of Utah.  This is fine, considering people love their own state.  But I'd like people to be more considerate of those of us who live and love it here.  The first few comments that bash Utah are not that bad and we can take it, but after about 10 a day, 7 times a week, it kind of hurts.  I hope in this editorial I don't offend anyone either.  If so, let me know! :)


  1. No state is perfect, and anyone who tries to say that their state is perfect is fooling themselves. I'm from Illinois, and we are on the verge of collapse in debt from shelling out so many dollars in social security. Despite that, I still think Illinois is a great place to live, at least in the suburban neighborhood where I grew up in. I don't love Utah, but I think it is a good place to live and grow up. I think that a lot of people from other states complain about Utah simply because it is so different from what they are used to. My first month in school here, I experienced so much culture shock. Coming from a high school of only 3 members out of over 3000 students to an entire state full of mormons was quite the experience. The dating culture, the early marriages, the signs on I-15 advertising missionary stores, it can all be a little too much sometimes, you know? I can understand why someone who has lived in Utah all their life may not understand why people don't always like what they find here, but the truth is, it's just different (for better or for worse). Not everyone is able to embrace change in the same way, and one defense mechanism for people who don't like the change that they are going through is to say that they don't like it here in Utah. So that might be one explanation for why people rip on Utah. The other could be that they are just too proud and stubborn haha. Good luck with your paper, I didn't mean any disrespect to Utah, I just wanted to give an outsider's opinion.


  2. I agree that people talk and bash about Utah way too much. You have a right to be upset about it. Hopefully this paper can make a difference. Goodluck!


  3. Thanks for your guys opinion! I agree with both of you. It is hard to hear people not like Utah but I have to realize everyone is going through a change. I hope people don't think I'm sensitive either. ;)

  4. This is such an interesting topic!! I have noticed that Utah gets bashed quite a bit! Its definitely a WAY different culture here, almost like its own little world. It can be shocking at times.. but I really like it as a whole!!

  5. Your points are very valid. I am an east coast girl, through and through. And I'd have to agree with Kimberly, Utah does feel like its own little world (talk about culture shock) and I also agree with your where people are going through a change. I do love the "no humidity". It's absolutely fabulous! haah And sorry if I offended you in're one of the few Utah Mormons that have fooled me. Congrats. ;]

    And good luck on your paper! I'm sure it'll be an eye opener. I like it already. :]


  6. Hahaha obviously Utah is a big deal or Brigham Young wouldn't have founded this state like the Lord told him to. ;) And I got that idea from a Canadian none the less! haha this sounds weird, but I was watching Laguna Beach and they said that Laguna was a "bubble". I was shocked cause everyone says that Utah is a "bubble". So obviously culture is different in every town. If you truly step out side your group or off campus you'll see that the only "bubble" thing about it is that everyone just assumes. Assumes that everyone is either super bad or super good, when in reality it's a big gray area bubble where every body is going through a phase to find out who they are and trying to live on their own, even us that have lived in Utah most of our lives. BYU is a private Mormon institution... of course it's going to be a culture shock because the mass majority all have the same standards! You're faith isn't tested with the big things like drugs and alchohol... especially if you live on campus. It's tested with the small things like being kind, a friend to all, gossiping, pride... It's not really sticking up for your beliefs at BYU... It's taking it to the next level and improving even more from that! If you don't like the altitude, cold, or traffic, well keep in mind that you chose to come here, and if you prayed about it and this was your answer, obviously you were told to come here for a reason. I love that Sidney has such great respect for her state! It's a great one! All of the States are greatly unique and amazing in their own way! Next time you complain about the snow, go and play in it. Next time you complain about the traffic... keep in mind that Colorado is worse ;)jk it helps ya work on patience. Next time you complain about altitude... keep in mind that it makes for BOMB summers cause it's not sticky hotness... it's dry and relaxing and we don't get soooo many gross bugs! GO UTAH! GO USA!

  7. GO UTAH!!! Obviously it's a big deal if the church headquarters is here and all of you out of staters came here. Hey I love all the other states... I've never really thought much different of all of them besides the whether. But maybe you guys should ask yourselves why you even decided to come here in the first place. If it was for the education there are plenty of great schools out there, if it was cause we're all LDS then take a step off campus and realize that nope... everybody here is not LDS and even those that are still have things to learn about themselves and testimonies to build. Everywhere you live is going to be a different culture, a different "bubble". I've had my quarrels with Provo as well, but I know the Lord told me to be here for a reason, for a learning experience. Maybe we should all focus on that instead of the cold weather... Good news is it only lasts till March... maybe April ;) And stop calling us Utah Mormons that judge!! cause as far as I'm concerned... That's judging us for being Mormons in Utah!! It's just a different culture. We're all not really as weird as you might think!

  8. I think it is a good topic. I am from Oregon and I absolutely love Oregon and it is the best state in my opinion, but my dad is from Utah and I really like it here. It is no Oregon but I still like it. :)
